Hard Fork Pecra: Ethereum developers start a new “hoodi” test network

Pectra, another hard fork of the Ethereum network continues its way to the mainnet. After being chaotically placed on alles, then on Sepolia, the latter will be appointed the subject of the final deployment on the testnet before the mainnet. And on this occasion, developers decided to create a new testnet: Hoodi.

Key points of this article:

  • The hard fork of Pecra d’ethereum proceeded towards its implementation on the mainnet after chaotic deployment to tolets and separation.
  • A new testnet, hoodi, maintenu simulation and Pectra testing were created, launched scheduled for March 17th and potential activation to Ethereum since April 26.

HOODI: New Testnet for Ethereum

Ethereum developers meet each week at meetings with the name All main developers make calls/consensus. The latter debates the procedure to follow and future development in the network.

It is not surprising that the hard fork of the pen is the core of the discussion. Especially because of his most chaotic activation to tolets.

During the 207. Thus, the developers have decided to run a new testnet for Ethereum called Hoodi.

In practice he focuses on Refleate as difficult as possible. For example, it will be launched with a validator set, the size and distribution of the share will be similar to the Mainnet d’Athereum.

This will be launched on March 17th and the hard fork of Pectra should be deployed there ten days later, March 26.

Pectra soon put on the mainnet

This will mean the last step before the Pectra deployment on the Mainnet d’Oheum. As Christine Kim from Galaxy Digital on X revealed if Pectra is activated without any problems or Hoodi errors, Developers will be suitable for the date for mainnet.

In fact, activation on the mainnet should take place From 30 days after date of activation on hoodi. Pectra could therefore be activated on Ethereum 26 April.

“Today, developers believe that Pectra can be activated at the Mainnet Ethereum at the end of April or early May. »»

We remind you that this hard fork represents several main developments. Including one Increasing the maximum ETH ET on stations from 32 to 2048 ETH. Increase to reduce the multiplication of validator nodes in favor of Super knots.

The aim of further great development double capacity in blocks of blocks. Therefore, it will be from 3 to 6. Blobes are a temporary storage space in blocks, especially used L2 to store transaction data ongoing outside the string. Their introduction during the hard fork of Dencun dramatically reduced the transaction costs of summary.

This might re -start the activity on L2. Really, The basis that has so far dominated in this sector has seen a significant decline in activity. Like the whole ecosystem.

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